chezmoi includes support for LastPass using the LastPass CLI to expose data as a template function.
Log in to LastPass using:
Check that lpass
is working correctly by showing password data:
lpass show --json $LASTPASS_ENTRY_ID
is a LastPass Entry Specification.
The structured data from lpass show --json id
is available as the lastpass
template function. The value will be an array of objects. You can use the
function and .Field
syntax of the text/template
language to extract
the field you want. For example, to extract the password
field from first the
"GitHub" entry, use:
githubPassword = {{ (index (lastpass "GitHub") 0).password | quote }}
chezmoi automatically parses the note
value of the LastPass entry as
colon-separated key-value pairs, so, for example, you can extract a private SSH
key like this:
{{ (index (lastpass "SSH") 0).note.privateKey }}
Keys in the note
section written as CamelCase Words
are converted to
If the note
value does not contain colon-separated key-value pairs, then you
can use lastpassRaw
to get its raw value, for example:
{{ (index (lastpassRaw "SSH Private Key") 0).note }}