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Keychain and Windows Credentials Manager

chezmoi includes support for Keychain (on macOS), GNOME Keyring (on Linux and FreeBSD), and Windows Credentials Manager (on Windows) via the zalando/go-keyring library.

Set values with:

$ chezmoi secret keyring set --service=$SERVICE --user=$USER
Value: xxxxxxxx

The value can then be used in templates using the keyring function which takes the service and user as arguments.

For example, save a GitHub access token in keyring with:

$ chezmoi secret keyring set --service=github --user=$GITHUB_USERNAME
Value: xxxxxxxx

and then include it in your ~/.gitconfig file with:

    user = {{ .github.user | quote }}
    token = {{ keyring "github" .github.user | quote }}

You can query the keyring from the command line:

chezmoi secret keyring get --service=github --user=$GITHUB_USERNAME