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chezmoi includes support for Doppler using the doppler CLI to expose data through the doppler and dopplerProjectJson template functions.

Log in using:

doppler login

It is now possible to interact with the doppler CLI in two different, but similar, ways. Both make use of the command doppler secrets download --json --no-file behind the scenes but present a different experience.

The doppler function is used in the following way:

{{ doppler "SECRET_NAME" "project name" "config" }}

All secrets from the specified project/config combination are cached for subsequent access and will not requery the doppler CLI for another secret in the same project/config. This caching mechanism enhances performance and reduces unnecessary CLI calls.

The dopplerProjectJson presents the secrets as json structured data and is used in the following way:

{{ (dopplerProjectJson "project" "config").PASSWORD }}

Additionally one can set the default values for the project and config (aka environment) in your config file, for example:

    project = "my-project"
    config = "dev"

With these default values, you can omit them in the call to both doppler and dopplerProjectJson, for example:

{{ doppler "SECRET_NAME" }}
{{ dopplerProjectJson.SECRET_NAME }}

It is important to note that neither of the above parse any individual secret as json. This can be achieved by using the fromJson function, for example:

{{ (doppler "SECRET_NAME" | fromJson).created_by.email_address }}
{{ (dopplerProjectJson.SECRET_NAME | fromJson).created_by.email_address }}

Obviously the secret would have to be saved in json format for this to work as expected.