chezmoi includes support for Bitwarden using the Bitwarden
CLI (bw
), Bitwarden Secrets CLI (bws
), and rbw
commands to expose data as a template function.
Bitwarden CLI
Log in to Bitwarden using a normal method
bw login $BITWARDEN_EMAIL # or
bw login --apikey # or
bw login --sso
If required, unlock your Bitwarden vault (API key and SSO logins always require an explicit unlock step):
bw unlock
environment variable, as instructed.
Bitwarden Session One-liner
value can be set directly. The exact combination differs
based on whether you are currently logged into Bitwarden and how you log
into Bitwarden.
export BW_SESSION=$(bw unlock --raw) # You are already logged in with any method
export BW_SESSION=$(bw login $BITWARDEN_EMAIL --raw) # You are not logged in and log in with an email
export BW_SESSION=$(bw login --sso && bw unlock --raw) # You are not logged in and login with SSO or API key
The structured data from bw get
is available as the bitwarden
function in your config files, for example:
username = {{ (bitwarden "item" "").login.username }}
password = {{ (bitwarden "item" "").login.password }}
Custom fields can be accessed with the bitwardenFields
template function. For
example, if you have a custom field named token
you can retrieve its value
{{ (bitwardenFields "item" "").token.value }}
Attachments can be accessed with the bitwardenAttachment
template function. For example, if you have an
attachment named id_rsa
, you can retrieve its value with:
{{ bitwardenAttachment "id_rsa" "bf22e4b4-ae4a-4d1c-8c98-ac620004b628" }}
{{ bitwardenAttachmentByRef "id_rsa" "item" "" }}
Bitwarden Secrets CLI
Generate an access token for a specific service account.
Either set the BWS_ACCESS_TOKEN
environment variable or store the access token
in a template variable, e.g.
accessToken = "0.48c78342-1635-48a6-accd-afbe01336365.C0tMmQqHnAp1h0gL8bngprlPOYutt0:B3h5D+YgLvFiQhWkIq6Bow=="
You can then retrieve secrets using the bitwardenSecrets
template function, for
{{ (bitwardenSecrets "be8e0ad8-d545-4017-a55a-b02f014d4158" .accessToken).value }}