AWS Secrets Manager
chezmoi includes support for AWS Secrets Manager.
Structured data can be retrieved with the awsSecretsManager
template function,
for example:
exampleUsername = {{ (awsSecretsManager "my-secret-name").username }}
examplePassword = {{ (awsSecretsManager "my-secret-name").password }}
For retrieving unstructured data, the awsSecretsManagerRaw
template function
can be used. For example:
exampleSecretString = {{ awsSecretsManagerRaw "my-secret-string" }}
The AWS shared profile name and region can be specified in chezmoi's config file
with awsSecretsManager.profile
and awsSecretsManager.region
respectively. By
default, these values will be picked up from the standard environment variables
and config files used by the standard AWS tooling.
profile = myWorkProfile
region = us-east-2