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Password Manager Integration

Using a password manager with chezmoi enables you to maintain a public dotfiles repository while keeping your secrets secure. chezmoi extends its templating capabilities by providing password manager specific template functions for many popular password managers.

When chezmoi applies a template with a secret referenced from a password manager, it will automatically fetch the secret value and insert it into the generated destination file.


Here's a practical example of a .zshrc.tmpl file that retrieves an CloudFlare API token from 1Password while maintaining other standard shell configurations:

# set up $PATH
# …

# Cloudflare API Token retrieved from 1Password for use with flarectl
export CF_API_TOKEN='{{ onepasswordRead "op://Personal/cloudlfare-api-token/password" }}'

# set up aliases and useful functions

In this example, the CF_API_TOKEN is retrieved from a 1Password vault named Personal, an item called cloudflare-api-token, and the password field.