Manage machine-to-machine differences
Use templates
The primary goal of chezmoi is to manage configuration files across multiple
machines, for example your personal macOS laptop, your work Ubuntu desktop, and
your work Linux laptop. You will want to keep much configuration the same
across these, but also need machine-specific configurations for email
addresses, credentials, etc. chezmoi achieves this functionality by using
for the source state where needed.
For example, your home ~/.gitconfig
on your personal machine might look like:
email = ""
Whereas at work it might be:
email = ""
To handle this, on each machine create a configuration file called
defining variables that might vary from
machine to machine. For example, for your home machine:
email = ""
If you intend to store private data (e.g. access tokens) in
, make sure it has permissions 0600
If you prefer, you can use JSON, JSONC, or YAML for your configuration file. Variable names must start with a letter and be followed by zero or more letters or digits.
Then, add ~/.gitconfig
to chezmoi using the --template
flag to turn it
into a template:
chezmoi add --template ~/.gitconfig
You can then open the template (which will be saved in the file
chezmoi edit ~/.gitconfig
Edit the file so it looks something like:
email = {{ .email | quote }}
Templates are often used to capture machine-specific differences. For example,
in your ~/.local/share/chezmoi/dot_bashrc.tmpl
you might have:
# common config
export EDITOR=vi
# machine-specific configuration
{{- if eq .chezmoi.hostname "work-laptop" }}
# this will only be included in ~/.bashrc on work-laptop
{{- end }}
For a full list of variables, run:
chezmoi data
For more advanced usage, you can use the full power of the
language. chezmoi includes all of the text
functions from sprig and its own functions for interacting
with password managers.
Templates can be executed directly from the command line, without the need to
create a file on disk, with the execute-template
command, for example:
chezmoi execute-template "{{ .chezmoi.os }}/{{ .chezmoi.arch }}"
This is useful when developing or debugging templates.
Some password managers allow you to store complete files. The files can be
retrieved with chezmoi's template functions. For example, if you have a file
stored in 1Password with the UUID uuid
then you can retrieve it with the
{{- onepasswordDocument "uuid" -}}
The -
s inside the brackets remove any whitespace before or after the template
expression, which is useful if your editor has added any newlines.
If, after executing the template, the file contents are empty, the target file
will be removed. This can be used to ensure that files are only present on
certain machines. If you want an empty file to be created anyway, you will need
to give it an empty_
Ignore files or a directory on different machines
For coarser-grained control of files and entire directories managed on
different machines, or to exclude certain files completely, you can create
files in the source directory. These specify a list of
patterns that chezmoi should ignore, and are interpreted as templates. An
example .chezmoiignore
file might look like:
{{- if ne .chezmoi.hostname "work-laptop" }}
.work # only manage .work on work-laptop
{{- end }}
The use of ne
(not equal) is deliberate. What we want to achieve is "only
install .work
if hostname is work-laptop
" but chezmoi installs everything
by default, so we have to turn the logic around and instead write "ignore
unless the hostname is work-laptop
Patterns can be excluded by starting the line with a !
, for example:
will ignore all files beginning with an f
in dir
except for dir/foo
You can see what files chezmoi ignores with the command
chezmoi ignored
Handle different file locations on different systems with the same contents
If you want to have the same file contents in different locations on different systems, but maintain only a single file in your source state, you can use a shared template.
Create the common file in the .chezmoitemplates
directory in the source state.
For example, create .chezmoitemplates/file.conf
. The contents of this file are
available in templates with the template $NAME .
function where $NAME
is the
name of the file (.
passes the current data to the template code in
; see template
action for details).
Then create files for each system, for example Library/Application
for macOS and dot_config/app/file.conf.tmpl
Linux. Both template files should contain {{- template "file.conf" . -}}
Finally, tell chezmoi to ignore files where they are not needed by adding lines
to your .chezmoiignore
file, for example:
{{ if ne .chezmoi.os "darwin" }}
Library/Application Support/App/file.conf
{{ end }}
{{ if ne .chezmoi.os "linux" }}
{{ end }}
Use completely different dotfiles on different machines
chezmoi's template functionality allows you to change a file's contents based
on any variable. For example, if you want ~/.bashrc
to be different on Linux
and macOS you would create a file in the source state called dot_bashrc.tmpl
{{ if eq .chezmoi.os "darwin" -}}
# macOS .bashrc contents
{{ else if eq .chezmoi.os "linux" -}}
# Linux .bashrc contents
{{ end -}}
However, if the differences between the two versions are so large that you'd
prefer to use completely separate files in the source state, you can achieve
this with the include
template function.
Create the following files:
# macOS .bashrc contents
# Linux .bashrc contents
{{- if eq .chezmoi.os "darwin" -}}
{{- include ".bashrc_darwin" -}}
{{- else if eq .chezmoi.os "linux" -}}
{{- include ".bashrc_linux" -}}
{{- end -}}
This will cause ~/.bashrc
to contain ~/.local/share/chezmoi/.bashrc_darwin
on macOS and ~/.local/share/chezmoi/.bashrc_linux
on Linux.
If you want to use templates within your templates, then, instead, create:
# macOS .bashrc template contents
# Linux .bashrc template contents
{{- if eq .chezmoi.os "darwin" -}}
{{- template "bashrc_darwin.tmpl" . -}}
{{- else if eq .chezmoi.os "linux" -}}
{{- template "bashrc_linux.tmpl" . -}}
{{- end -}}