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Manage different types of file

Have chezmoi create a directory, but ignore its contents

If you want chezmoi to create a directory, but ignore its contents, say ~/src, first run:

mkdir -p $(chezmoi source-path)/src

This creates the directory in the source state, which means that chezmoi will create it (if it does not already exist) when you run chezmoi apply.

However, as this is an empty directory it will be ignored by git. So, create a file in the directory in the source state that will be seen by git (so git does not ignore the directory) but ignored by chezmoi (so chezmoi does not include it in the target state):

touch $(chezmoi source-path)/src/.keep

chezmoi automatically creates .keep files when you add an empty directory with chezmoi add.

Ensure that a target is removed

Create a file called .chezmoiremove in the source directory containing a list of patterns of files to remove. chezmoi will remove anything in the target directory that matches the pattern. As this command is potentially dangerous, you should run chezmoi in verbose, dry-run mode beforehand to see what would be removed:

chezmoi apply --dry-run --verbose

.chezmoiremove is interpreted as a template, so you can remove different files on different machines. Negative matches (patterns prefixed with a !) or targets listed in .chezmoiignore will never be removed.

Manage part, but not all, of a file

chezmoi, by default, manages whole files, but there are two ways to manage just parts of a file.

Firstly, a modify_ script receives the current contents of the file on the standard input and chezmoi reads the target contents of the file from the script's standard output. This can be used to change parts of a file, for example using sed.


If you need random access to the file to modify it, then you can write standard input to a temporary file, modify the temporary file, and then write the temporary file to the standard output, for example:

trap 'rm -rf "${tempfile}"' EXIT
cat > "${tempfile}"
# modify ${tempfile}
cat "${tempfile}"


If the file does not exist then the standard input to the modify_ script will be empty and it is the script's responsibility to write a complete file to the standard output.

modify_ scripts that contain the string chezmoi:modify-template are executed as templates with the current contents of the file passed as .chezmoi.stdin and the result of the template execution used as the new contents of the file.


To replace the string old with new in a file while leaving the rest of the file unchanged, use the modify script:

{{- /* chezmoi:modify-template */ -}}
{{- .chezmoi.stdin | replaceAllRegex "old" "new" }}

To set individual values in JSON, JSONC, TOML, and YAML files you can use the setValueAtPath template function, for example:

{{- /* chezmoi:modify-template */ -}}
{{ fromJson .chezmoi.stdin | setValueAtPath "key.nestedKey" "value" | toPrettyJson }}


Modify templates must not have a .tmpl extension.

Secondly, if only a small part of the file changes then consider using a template to re-generate the full contents of the file from the current state. For example, Kubernetes configurations include a current context that can be substituted with:

current-context: {{ output "kubectl" "config" "current-context" | trim }}


For managing ini files with a mix of settings and state (such as recently used files or window positions), there is a third party tool called chezmoi_modify_manager that builds upon modify_ scripts. See related software for more information.

Manage a file's permissions, but not its contents

chezmoi's create_ attributes allows you to tell chezmoi to create a file if it does not already exist. chezmoi, however, will apply any permission changes from the executable_, private_, and readonly_ attributes. This can be used to control a file's permissions without altering its contents.

For example, if you want to ensure that ~/.kube/config always has permissions 600 then if you create an empty file called dot_kube/private_config in your source state, chezmoi will ensure ~/.kube/config's permissions are 0600 when you run chezmoi apply without changing its contents.

This approach does have the downside that chezmoi will create the file if it does not already exist. If you only want chezmoi apply to set a file's permissions if it already exists and not create the file otherwise, you can use a run_ script. For example, create a file in your source state called containing:


if [ -f "$FILE" ]; then
    if [ "$(stat -c %a "$FILE")" != "600" ] ; then
        chmod 600 "$FILE"

Handle configuration files which are externally modified

Some programs modify their configuration files. When you next run chezmoi apply, any modifications made by the program will be lost.

You can track changes to these files by replacing with a symlink back to a file in your source directory, which is under version control. Here is a worked example for VSCode's settings.json on Linux:

Copy the configuration file to your source directory:

cp ~/.config/Code/User/settings.json $(chezmoi source-path)

Tell chezmoi to ignore this file:

echo settings.json >> $(chezmoi source-path)/.chezmoiignore

Tell chezmoi that ~/.config/Code/User/settings.json should be a symlink to the file in your source directory:

mkdir -p $(chezmoi source-path)/private_dot_config/private_Code/User
echo -n "{{ .chezmoi.sourceDir }}/settings.json" > $(chezmoi source-path)/private_dot_config/private_Code/User/symlink_settings.json.tmpl

The prefix private_ is used because the ~/.config and ~/.config/Code directories are private by default.

Apply the changes:

chezmoi apply -v

Now, when the program modifies its configuration file it will modify the file in the source state instead.

Populate ~/.ssh/authorized_keys with your public SSH keys from GitHub

chezmoi can retrieve your public SSH keys from GitHub, which can be useful for populating your ~/.ssh/authorized_keys. Put the following in your ~/.local/share/chezmoi/dot_ssh/authorized_keys.tmpl:

{{ range gitHubKeys "$GITHUB_USERNAME" -}}
{{   .Key }}
{{ end -}}