Combine operating system and Linux distribution conditionals
There can be as much variation between Linux distributions as there is between
operating systems. Due to text/template
's eager evaluation of conditionals,
this means you often have to write templates with nested conditionals:
{{ if eq .chezmoi.os "darwin" }}
# macOS-specific code
{{ else if eq .chezmoi.os "linux" }}
{{ if eq "debian" }}
# Debian-specific code
{{ else if eq "fedora" }}
# Fedora-specific code
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
This can be simplified by combining the operating system and distribution into a single custom template variable. Put the following in your configuration file template:
{{- $osid := .chezmoi.os -}}
{{- if hasKey .chezmoi.osRelease "id" -}}
{{- $osid = printf "%s-%s" .chezmoi.os -}}
{{- end -}}
osid = {{ $osid | quote }}
This defines the .osid
template variable to be {{ .chezmoi.os }}
on machines
without an os-release
file, or to be {{ .chezmoi.os }}-{{ }}
on machines with an os-release
You can then simplify your conditionals to be:
{{ if eq .osid "darwin" }}
# macOS-specific code
{{ else if eq .osid "linux-debian" }}
# Debian-specific code
{{ else if eq .osid "linux-fedora" }}
# Fedora-specific code
{{ end }}