How can I quickly check for problems with chezmoi on my machine?
chezmoi doctor
Anything ok
is fine, anything warning
is only a problem if you want to use
the related feature, and anything error
indicates a definite problem.
A specific command is not behaving as I expect. How can I debug it?
The --verbose
flag makes chezmoi to print extra information about what it
is doing.
The --debug
flag makes chezmoi print very detailed step by step information.
The output of chezmoi diff
is broken and does not contain color. What could be wrong?
By default, chezmoi's diff output includes ANSI color escape sequences (e.g.
) and is piped into your pager (by default less
). chezmoi assumes
that your pager passes through the ANSI color escape sequences, as configured on
many systems, but not all. If your pager does not pass through ANSI color escape
sequences then you will see monochrome diff output with uninterpreted ANSI color
escape sequences.
This can typically by fixed by setting the environment variable
export LESS=-R
which instructs less
to display "raw" control characters via the -R
You can also set the pager
configuration variable in your config file, for
pager = "less -R"
If you have set a different pager (via the pager
configuration variable or
environment variable) then you must ensure that it passes through raw
control characters. Alternatively, you can use the --color=false
option to
chezmoi to disable colors or the --no-pager
option to chezmoi to disable the
Why do I get a blank buffer or empty file when running chezmoi edit
In this case, chezmoi edit
typically prints a warning like:
chezmoi: warning: $EDITOR $TMPDIR/$FILENAME: returned in less than 1s
chezmoi edit
performs a bit of magic to improve the experience of editing
files in the source state by invoking your editor with filenames in a temporary
directory that look like filenames in your home directory. What's happening
here is that your editor command is exiting immediately, so chezmoi thinks
you've finished editing and so removes the temporary directory, but actually
your editor command has forked a edit process in the background, and that edit
process opens a now non-existent file.
To fix this you have to configure your editor command to remain in the foreground until you have finished editing the file, so chezmoi knows when to remove the temporary directory.
Pass the -f
flag, e.g. by setting the edit.flags
configuration variable
to ["-f"]
, or by setting the EDITOR
environment variable to include the
flag, e.g. export EDITOR="vim -f"
Pass the --wait
flag, e.g. by setting the edit.flags
variable to ["--wait"]
or by setting the EDITOR
environment variable to
include the --wait
flag, e.g. export EDITOR="code --wait"
The "bit of magic" that chezmoi edit
performs includes:
chezmoi edit
makes the filename opened by your editor more closely match the target filename, which can help your editor choose the correct syntax highlighting. For example, if you runchezmoi edit ~/.zshrc
, your editor is be opened with$TMPDIR/.zshrc
but you'll actually be editing~/.local/share/chezmoi/dot_zshrc
. Under the hood, chezmoi creates a hardlink in a temporary directory to the file in your source directory, so even though your editor thinks it's editing.zshrc
, it is really editingdot_zshrc
in your source directory. -
If the source file is encrypted then
chezmoi edit
transparently decrypts and re-encrypts the file for you. Specifically, chezmoi decrypts the file into a private temporary directory and open your editor with the decrypted file, and re-encrypts the file when you exit your editor. -
If the source file is a template, then
chezmoi edit
preserves the.tmpl
chezmoi makes ~/.ssh/config
group writeable. How do I stop this?
By default, chezmoi uses your system's umask when creating files. On most
systems the default umask is 022
but some systems use 002
, which means
that files and directories are group writeable by default.
You can override this for chezmoi by setting the umask
configuration variable
in your configuration file, for example:
umask = 0o022
This will apply to all files and directories that chezmoi manages and will ensure that none of them are group writeable. It is not currently possible to control group write permissions for individual files or directories. Please open an issue on GitHub if you need this.
chezmoi reports chezmoi: user: lookup userid NNNNN: input/output error
This is likely because the chezmoi binary you are using was statically compiled with musl and the machine you are running on uses LDAP or NIS.
The immediate fix is to use a package built for your distribution (e.g a .deb
or .rpm
) which is linked against glibc and includes LDAP/NIS support instead
of the statically-compiled binary.
If the problem still persists, then please open an issue on GitHub.
chezmoi reports chezmoi: timeout
or chezmoi: timeout obtaining persistent state lock
chezmoi will report this when it is unable to lock its persistent state
), typically because another instance of
chezmoi is currently running and holding the lock.
This can happen, for example, if you have a run_
script that invokes
, or are running chezmoi in another window.
Under the hood, chezmoi uses bbolt which permits multiple simultaneous readers, but only one writer (with no readers).
Commands that take a write lock include add
, apply
, edit
, forget
, init
, state
, unmanage
, and update
. Commands that take a read
lock include diff
, status
, and verify
chezmoi reports chezmoi: fork/exec /tmp/XXXXXXXXXX.XX: exec format error
when executing a template script
This error occurs when you have a newline before the #!
in your script.
Suppress the newline by including a -
before the closing }}
on the first
For example, if your template script begins with
{{ if eq .chezmoi.os "linux" }}
change this to
{{ if eq .chezmoi.os "linux" -}}
chezmoi reports chezmoi: fork/exec /tmp/XXXXXXXXXX.XX: permission denied
when executing a script
This error occurs when your temporary directory is mounted with the noexec
As chezmoi scripts can be templates, encrypted, or both, chezmoi needs to write
the final script's contents to a file so that it can be executed by the
operating system. By default, chezmoi will use $TMPDIR
for this.
You can change the temporary directory into which chezmoi writes and executes
scripts with the scriptTempDir
configuration variable. For example, to use a
subdirectory of your home directory you can use:
scriptTempDir = "~/tmp"
chezmoi reports chezmoi: mkdir xxxxx: no such file or directory
when trying to manage file or directory
This error occurs when you try to add directory/file to be managed via chezmoi
but the same directory is only listed in .chezmoiexternal.$FORMAT
A workaround can be applied in a such case via manually creating import
directory in chezmoi source directory (typically ~/.local/share/chezmoi
) and
create .keep
For example, if .chezmoiexternal.toml
has the configuration:
type = "git-repo"
url = ""
refreshPeriod = "168h"
args = ["--ff-only"]
Now chezmoi add ~/.config/direnv/direnvrc
will raise the error:
chezmoi: mkdir /home/<user>/.local/share/chezmoi/dot_config/direnv: no such file or directory
But the workaround can be applied:
chezmoi cd
mkdir -p dot_config/
touch dot_config/.keep
Now once that done chezmoi add ~/.config/direnv/direnvrc
should work. For
reference see issue #2006.
chezmoi reports read /dev/stdin: permission denied
or write /dev/stdout: permission denied
when I redirect standard input or standard output
This error occurs when you installed chezmoi with snap and is caused by a long-standing bug in snap.
This is not a bug in chezmoi and there is nothing that chezmoi can do about this. However, there are two workarounds:
Firstly, you can use alternatives to shell redirection. For standard input:
chezmoi $COMMAND <$FILENAME # fails
cat $FILENAME | chezmoi $COMMAND # succeeds
For standard output:
chezmoi $COMMAND >$FILENAME # fails
chezmoi $COMMAND -o $FILENAME # succeeds
chezmoi $COMMAND --output=$FILENAME # succeeds
chezmoi $COMMAND | tee $FILENAME >/dev/null # succeeds
Secondly, you can install chezmoi with any of the many supported install methods instead of snap.
chezmoi reports fork/exec ...: no such file or directory
when running scripts on Nix or Termux
You are likely using a hardcoded script interpreter in the shebang line of your scripts, e.g.
does not exist on Nix or Termux. You must update the shebang line to point
to the actual bash interpreter. The easiest way to do this is make the script a
template and use the lookPath
template function, for example:
#!{{ lookPath "bash" }}
Alternatively, you can use the actual path to bash
on your system, for example:
#!/usr/bin/env bash