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chezmoi provides the following automatically-populated variables:

Variable Type Value
.chezmoi.arch string Architecture, e.g. amd64, arm, etc. as returned by runtime.GOARCH
.chezmoi.args []string The arguments passed to the chezmoi command, starting with the program command
.chezmoi.cacheDir string The cache directory
.chezmoi.config object The configuration, as read from the config file
.chezmoi.configFile string The path to the configuration file used by chezmoi
.chezmoi.destDir string The destination directory
.chezmoi.executable string The path to the chezmoi executable, if available
.chezmoi.fqdnHostname string The fully-qualified domain name hostname of the machine chezmoi is running on
.chezmoi.gid string The primary group ID string The group of the user running chezmoi
.chezmoi.homeDir string The home directory of the user running chezmoi
.chezmoi.hostname string The hostname of the machine chezmoi is running on, up to the first .
.chezmoi.kernel object Contains information from /proc/sys/kernel. Linux only, useful for detecting specific kernels (e.g. Microsoft's WSL kernel)
.chezmoi.os string Operating system, e.g. darwin, linux, etc. as returned by runtime.GOOS
.chezmoi.osRelease object The information from /etc/os-release, Linux only, run chezmoi data to see its output
.chezmoi.pathListSeparator string The path list separator, typically ; on Windows and : on other systems. Used to separate paths in environment variables. i.e., /bin:/sbin:/usr/bin
.chezmoi.pathSeparator string The path separator, typically \ on windows and / on unix. Used to separate files and directories in a path. i.e., c:\see\dos\run
.chezmoi.sourceDir string The source directory
.chezmoi.sourceFile string The path of the template relative to the source directory
.chezmoi.targetFile string The absolute path of the target file for the template
.chezmoi.uid string The user ID
.chezmoi.username string The username of the user running chezmoi
.chezmoi.version.builtBy string The program that built the chezmoi executable, if set
.chezmoi.version.commit string The git commit at which the chezmoi executable was built, if set string The timestamp at which the chezmoi executable was built, if set
.chezmoi.version.version string The version of chezmoi
.chezmoi.windowsVersion object Windows version information, if running on Windows
.chezmoi.workingTree string The working tree of the source directory

.chezmoi.windowsVersion contains the following keys populated from the registry key Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion.

Key Type
currentBuild string
currentMajorVersionNumber integer
currentMinorVersionNumber integer
currentVersion string
displayVersion string
editionID string
productName string

Additional variables can be defined in the config file in the data section. Variable names must consist of a letter and be followed by zero or more letters and/or digits.