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onepasswordDocument uuid [vault [account]]

onepasswordDocument returns a document from 1Password using the 1Password CLI (op). uuid is passed to op get document $UUID and the output from op is returned. The output from op is cached so calling onepasswordDocument multiple times with the same uuid will only invoke op once. If the optional vault is supplied, it will be passed along to the op get call, which can significantly improve performance. If the optional account is supplied, it will be passed along to the op get call, which will help it look in the right account, in case you have multiple accounts (e.g., personal and work accounts).

If there is no valid session in the environment, by default you will be interactively prompted to sign in.


{{- onepasswordDocument "$UUID" -}}
{{- onepasswordDocument "$UUID" "$VAULT_UUID" -}}
{{- onepasswordDocument "$UUID" "$VAULT_UUID" "$ACCOUNT_NAME" -}}
{{- onepasswordDocument "$UUID" "" "$ACCOUNT_NAME" -}}


When using 1Password Connect, onepasswordDocument is not available.


When using 1Password Service Accounts, the account parameter is not allowed.