If a file called .chezmoiignore
(with an optional .tmpl
extension) exists in
the source state then it is interpreted as a set of patterns to ignore. Patterns
are matched using doublestar.Match
and match against the target path,
not the source path.
Patterns can be excluded by prefixing them with a !
character. All excludes
take priority over all includes.
Comments in .chezmoiignore
files are introduced with the #
character and run
to the end of the line. If there is a #
character introduced after the
beginning of the line, it must be preceded by whitespace to be recognized as
a comment and not part of the file.
is interpreted as a template, whether or not it has a .tmpl
extension. This allows different files to be ignored on different machines.
files in source state subdirectories apply only to that
*.txt # ignore *.txt in the target directory
*/*.txt # ignore *.txt in subdirectories of the target directory
# but not in subdirectories of subdirectories;
# so a/b/c.txt would *not* be ignored
*/*.org# # Ignore org-mode backup files that end with `#`
backups/ # ignore the backups folder, but not its contents
backups/** # ignore the contents of backups folder but not the folder itself
{{- if ne .email "firstname.lastname@company.com" }}
# Ignore .company-directory unless configured with a company email
.company-directory # note that the pattern is not dot_company-directory
{{- end }}
{{- if ne .email "me@home.org" }}
{{- end }}