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If .chezmoidata.$FORMAT files exist in the source state, they are interpreted as structured static data in the given format. This data can then be used in templates. See also .chezmoidata/.


If .chezmoidata.toml contains the following:

fontSize = 12

Then the .fontSize variable is available in templates, e.g.

FONT_SIZE={{ .fontSize }}

Will result in:



Chezmoi supports multiple file $FORMATs for configuration and data: JSON, JSONC, TOML, and YAML.


There may be multiple .chezmoidata.$FORMAT files in the source state. They all merge to the root of the data dictionary and they are read in lexical (alphabetic) filesystem order.

As an example, if I have four .chezmoidata.$FORMAT files in my dot_config source directory, they will be merged according to the sort order of the files:

{ "z": { "z": 3 } }
{ "z": { "z": 4 } }
z.x = 1
  y: 2

The output of chezmoi data will include the following merged z dictionary. Note that the value in .chezmoidata.jsonc overwrote the value in .chezmoidata.json because of the lexical file sorting.

  "z": {
    "x": 1,
    "y": 2,
    "z": 4


.chezmoidata.$FORMAT files cannot be templates because they must be present prior to the start of the template engine. Dynamic machine data should be set in the data section of .chezmoi.$FORMAT.tmpl. Dynamic environment data should be read from templates using the output, fromJson, fromJson, or similar functions.