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If a file called .chezmoi.$FORMAT.tmpl exists in the root of the source state then chezmoi init will use it to create or update the chezmoi config file. $FORMAT must be one of the supported config file formats.

This template differs from source state templates because this template is executed prior to the reading of the source state.

Feature Available?
data in the config file
data in .chezmoidata.$FORMAT files 🚫
data in .chezmoidata/ directories 🚫
templates in .chezmoitemplates 🚫
template functions
init functions


{{ $email := promptStringOnce . "email" "What is your email address" -}}

    email: {{ $email | quote }}


Chezmoi supports multiple file $FORMATs for configuration and data: JSON, JSONC, TOML, and YAML.


This file will also be used to update the config file when a command supports the --init flag, such as chezmoi update --init.