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Configuration file

chezmoi searches for its configuration file according to the XDG Base Directory Specification. The base name of the config file is chezmoi. If multiple configuration file formats are present, chezmoi will report an error.


Chezmoi supports multiple file $FORMATs for configuration and data: JSON, JSONC, TOML, and YAML.

In most installations, the config file will be read from $HOME/.config/chezmoi/chezmoi.$FORMAT (%USERPROFILE%/.config/chezmoi/chezmoi.$FORMAT), where $FORMAT is one of json, jsonc, toml, or yaml. The config file can be set explicitly with the --config command line option. By default, the format is detected based on the extension of the config file name, but can be overridden with the --config-format command line option.


    "sourceDir": "/home/user/.dotfiles",
    "git": {
        "autoPush": true
    // The chezmoi source files are stored here
    "sourceDir": "/home/user/.dotfiles",
    "git": {
        "autoPush": true
sourceDir = "/home/user/.dotfiles"
    autoPush = true
sourceDir: /home/user/.dotfiles
    autoPush: true