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Print the status of the files and scripts managed by chezmoi in a format similar to git status.

The first column of output indicates the difference between the last state written by chezmoi and the actual state. The second column indicates the difference between the actual state and the target state, and what effect running chezmoi apply will have.

Character Meaning First column Second column
Space No change No change No change
A Added Entry was created Entry will be created
D Deleted Entry was deleted Entry will be deleted
M Modified Entry was modified Entry will be modified
R Run Not applicable Script will be run

Common flags

-x, --exclude types

Exclude target state entries of specific types. The default is none.

Types can be explicitly included with the --include flag.


--exclude=scripts will cause the command to not run scripts and --exclude=encrypted will exclude encrypted files.

-i, --include types

Include target state entries of specific types. The default is all.

Types can be explicitly excluded with the --exclude flag.


--include=files specifies all files.


Regenerate and reload the config file from its template before computing the target state.

-P, --parent-dirs

Execute the command on target and all its parent directories.

-p, --path-style style

Print paths in the given style. The default is relative.

Style Description
absolute Absolute paths in the destination directory
relative Relative paths to the destination directory
source-absolute Absolute paths in the source tree directory
source-relative Relative paths to the source tree directory
all All path styles, indexed by relative

-r, --recursive

Recurse into subdirectories. Enabled by default. Can be disabled with --recursive=false.


chezmoi status