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re-add [target...]

Re-add modified files in the target state, preserving any encrypted_ attributes. chezmoi will not overwrite templates, and all entries that are not files are ignored. Directories are recursed into by default.

If no targets are specified then all modified files are re-added. If one or more targets are given then only those targets are re-added.

Common flags

-x, --exclude types

Exclude target state entries of specific types. The default is none.

Types can be explicitly included with the --include flag.


--exclude=scripts will cause the command to not run scripts and --exclude=encrypted will exclude encrypted files.

-i, --include types

Include target state entries of specific types. The default is all.

Types can be explicitly excluded with the --exclude flag.


--include=files specifies all files.

-r, --recursive

Recurse into subdirectories. Enabled by default. Can be disabled with --recursive=false.


chezmoi re-add
chezmoi re-add ~/.bashrc
chezmoi re-add --recursive=false ~/.config/git



If you want to re-add a single file unconditionally, use chezmoi add --force instead.