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execute-template [template...]

Execute templates. This is useful for testing templates or for calling chezmoi from other scripts. templates are interpreted as literal templates, with no whitespace added to the output between arguments. If no templates are specified, the template is read from stdin.


-i, --init

Include simulated functions only available during chezmoi init.

--left-delimiter delimiter

Set the left template delimiter.

--promptBool pairs

Simulate the promptBool template function with a function that returns values from pairs. pairs is a comma-separated list of prompt=value pairs. If promptBool is called with a prompt that does not match any of pairs, then it returns false.

--promptChoice pairs

Simulate the promptChoice template function with a function that returns values from pairs. pairs is a comma-separated list of prompt=value pairs. If promptChoice is called with a prompt that does not match any of pairs, then it returns prompt unchanged.

--promptInt pairs

Simulate the promptInt template function with a function that returns values from pairs. pairs is a comma-separated list of prompt=value pairs. If promptInt is called with a prompt that does not match any of pairs, then it returns zero.

--promptMultichoice pairs

Simulate the promptMultichoice template function with a function that returns values from pairs. pairs is a comma-separated list of prompt=value pairs. If promptMultichoice is called with a prompt that does not match any of pairs, then it returns prompt as an array.

-p, --promptString pairs

Simulate the promptString template function with a function that returns values from pairs. pairs is a comma-separated list of prompt=value pairs. If promptString is called with a prompt that does not match any of pairs, then it returns prompt unchanged.

--right-delimiter delimiter

Set the right template delimiter.

--stdinisatty bool

Simulate the stdinIsATTY function by returning bool.


If run with arguments, then set .chezmoi.stdin to the contents of the standard input.


chezmoi execute-template '{{ .chezmoi.sourceDir }}'
chezmoi execute-template '{{ .chezmoi.os }}' / '{{ .chezmoi.arch }}'
echo '{{ .chezmoi | toJson }}' | chezmoi execute-template
chezmoi execute-template --init --promptString < ~/.local/share/chezmoi/.chezmoi.toml.tmpl