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archive [target....]

Generate an archive of the target state, or only the targets specified. This can be piped into tar to inspect the target state.


-f, --format format

Write the archive in format. If --output is set the format is guessed from the extension, otherwise the default is tar.

Supported formats

-z, --gzip

Compress the archive with gzip. This is automatically set if the format is tar.gz or tgz and is ignored if the format is zip.

Common flags

-x, --exclude types

Exclude target state entries of specific types. The default is none.

Types can be explicitly included with the --include flag.


--exclude=scripts will cause the command to not run scripts and --exclude=encrypted will exclude encrypted files.

-i, --include types

Include target state entries of specific types. The default is all.

Types can be explicitly excluded with the --exclude flag.


--include=files specifies all files.


Regenerate and reload the config file from its template before computing the target state.

-P, --parent-dirs

Execute the command on target and all its parent directories.

-r, --recursive

Recurse into subdirectories. Enabled by default. Can be disabled with --recursive=false.


chezmoi archive | tar tvf -
chezmoi archive --output=dotfiles.tar.gz
chezmoi archive